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光影蠟燭工作坊 - Silhouette candle workshop

光影蠟燭工作坊 - Silhouette candle workshop

[Silouette ]傳統剪影是一種把人和事物用黑色(為主)描繪, 凸顯輪廓的藝術圖像。Silhouette蠟燭工作坊, 利用同一個概念把光與影放在蠟燭上,構成豐富且多樣的視覺效果。Silhouette蠟燭是Cut N Carve原創藝術蠟燭之一。透過光、影所交織出的作品,創作出強烈的圖形圖像輪廓。有興趣製作屬於自己的光影場景嗎?


貫徹Cut N Carve一向的環保理念,完成蠟燭可擺放tealight,永久保存蠟燭外貌。



  • 介紹蠟燭特性參加者將完成一個7.5cm x 7.5cm高的光影蠟燭 (請參考網上作品)
  • 費用每位HKD690
  • 費用包括所需的所有包裝材料和設備
  • 時間:約3小時來直至完成作品為止
  • 無需做蠟燭經驗
  • 每次小班教學,每堂名額四人

  • 中、英語授課



-付款方式: 報名後, 請於5天內繳交學費至恆生銀行: 369-475066-833 CANDLE ALCHEMY, 然後把過數紀錄發回給我們以完成報名程序

-如上課前2小時懸掛八號或以上強風信號 ; 或黑色暴雨警告信號已經生效,活動將改期





[Silouette] is the image of a person, object or scene portrayed as a solid shape ususally in black color on a light background to outline its graphical image. Silhouette images may be created in any visual artistic media. Cut N Carve utilizes this visual arts concept, exprimentating with light and shadow on candles to form stunning and diverse visual effects.


Silhouette candle is one of the original wax arts developed by Cut N Carve. Through the intertwined works of light and shadow, the dramatic images you create may bring your candle making experience to a whole new level.


Cut N Carve pursues the practice of enviromental protection in the making of its decorative art candles, tealight candle can be inserted in this finished wax arts to forever preserve the candle intergrity.



1. In the event of a black rainstorm or typhoon signal No. 8 being hoisted 2 hours before class, the class will be cancelled automatically and the class time will be rescheduled.

2. Participants are expected to be punctual and late arrivals are not allotted extra time.  If being late for 1 hour or more will be regarded as no-show and no alternate class will be arranged.

3. In case of class absences due to COVID-19 or any unexpected circumstances, Cut N Carve instructor will complete your work and contact you for pick-up thereafter

4. Video recording is strictly prohibited in class.

5. Cut N Carve reserves the right to take photos during class for marketing purposes.

6. Please directly deposit your payment to our bank account with Hang Seng Bank at Account Number:369-475-066-883CANDLE ALCHEMY.  Kindly mark your account number & send us a copy of the pay-slip after the deposit has been made in order to confirm your attendance.


  • 注意:


    *** 個人工作坊須於上堂至少3個工作天前付款確認預約***



    In case of typhoon signal No. 3 (or higher) or the rainstorm Red warning Signal (or higher) is hoisted at or after 11:00 a.m., the class will be cancelled automatically and will be rescheduled. 



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